Photo Elective Courses 3ECTS

AS_ 3000  Fisheries oceanography

Course Content

Fisheries Oceanography: Historic evolution and results. Introduction in oceanography. Hydrological structure. Water masses and hydrological structure in Mediterranean. Hydrological structure and impacts in planktonic organisms. Interaction on hydrological structure and small-pelagic fish species. Interaction on hydrological structure and large-pelagic fish species. Interaction on hydrological structure and benthopelagic fish species. Modern techniques of fish stock biomass estimation. Interaction of fisheries, climatic and abiotic factors in large spatio-temporal basis. Response of fisheries resources and sustainability in climatic changes. Impact of climatic changes in local scale. Management of experimental fisheries and abiotic data. Revision.

Course Outline

AS_ 3001 Applications of Remote Sensing in Primary Sector

Course Content

Introduction to Remote Sensing and course objectives.
Digital camera, RGB, saved image size.
Familiarity with the basic concepts of satellite remote sensing, its theoretical background, the
its applications in environmental management. Electrostatic detectors. The LANDSAT series,
Sentinel, Spectral analysis and channels.
Processing of satellite images and the use of related software.
Apply entity separation markers.
Case study land water separation, plant cover estimation, surface temperature estimation.

Course Outline

AS_ 3002 Aquacultural facilities

Course Content

Inland and floating structures and support systems. Glossary. Determination of requirements on a case by case basis (fish-breeding stations and freshwater or salt-water farming units). Select a location. Water supply sources. General organization of the system. Organization of Operation. Types of tanks. Fish cages. Calculations on water supply. Pump selection. Water circulation, drainage. Separation of suspended particles. Sedimentation tanks. Heating and Cooling. Operation of water heating / cooling equipment. Recycling of water. Mechanical, chemical and biological filters. Organization of Construction. Ventilation-oxygenation and gas removal. Function of water oxygenation systems. Disinfection. Waste management. Operation of equipment for algae culture, fish culture. Operation of shrimp culture and mussel farming equipment.

Course Outline

AS_ 3004 Development of zootechnical farms

Course Content

I. Livestock Farm Management.

Starting a farming business. Marketing of Agricultural products & business plan development. Economic and financial performance of livestock businesses. Financing livestock business. Cash flow management. Capital management in livestock business. Insurance in livestock businesses. Labor Management in livestock farming. Institutional Framework-Labor Legislation.

IΙ. Economic & financial  analysis of livestock holdings
Enterprise Budget and the Partial Budget in livestock breeding. Financial statements: Balance Sheet and Income Statement. Investment Analysis (Capital Budget) in Aquaculture. Risk Analysis at farm level. Managing Government Policies and Regulations in Animal Breeding Operations.

Course Outline

AS_ 3005 Profession bioethics

Course Content

What is and why is the professional ethics in the zoo-technical sciences being taught. Social Responsibility and Professional Ethics. Code of Conduct for Fisheries. Illegal, undeclared, unrecorded fishing (IUU). Socio-economic and environmental impacts. Code of conduct on livestock farming with emphasis on aquaculture Code of Good Fishing Practice (FAO). Code of good practice for animal farming with emphasis on aquaculture (FAO). Welfare of farmed organisms. Legislation. Good practices in the use of terrestrial and aquatic organisms for experimental breeding. Risk assessment tools in decision-making. Managing nutritional crises. Communication with Managers and Consumers. Case study: Genetically modified feed materials, prions-mad cows disease, antibiotics, mass mortality of fish, poisonings from phyto-toxic blooms. Managing natural resources, drinking water and raw materials for the development of animal production.  Packaging and micro-plastics. Nutritional crisis and developing world. Case study: Know-how transfer to the developing world to tackle hunger.

Course Outline

AS_ 3006 Biological production & farming

Course Content

Sustainability & global food production. Environmental, & socio-economic factors. Organic farming. Ecological production. Principles, scale and management measures. Ecological footprint. Trade in pollutants and nutrients. Experiences from agro-livestock and aquaculture production. Alternative energy resources and production systems. Polytrophic aquaculture. Selection of organizations. Economic evaluation, limiting factors. Biofloc technology and biological applications in breeding. Small-scale agricultural and aquaculture productions. Aquaponics. Technology transfer to extreme deserted environments in areas such as N. Africa and M.  East.
Dietary trends and consumer preferences in the formulation of production standards. Development and use of indicators for decision-making. Estimation of Ecological Footprint. LCA in animal products. Determination of ecosystem services. Certification of organic farming, sustainable management, local products.

Course Outline