Photo Semester 2

AS_ 200 Organic & biological chemistry

Course Content

Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Organic Compounds. Classification and Nomenclature of Organic Compounds. Hybridization in Organic Compounds, Isomers and Stereochemistry. Organic Reaction Mechanisms. Aliphatic Hydrocarbons, Alkyl halides. Alcohols, Aldehydes, Ketones and derivatives of carbonyl compounds. Carboxylic Acids and Derivatives, Isoprene Compounds. Coordination – Conjugation, Aromatic compounds and derivatives. Biomolecules: Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins. Biomolecules: Heterocyclic compounds of plant and animal origin. Biomolecules: Carbohydrates, Sugars. Biomolecules: Lipids. Biomolecules: Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids.

Course Outline

AS_  201 Botany

Course Content

Introduction – Cellular Structure. Plant cell – cell inclusions and organelles. Plant Tissues (Distal, Parenchymal, Supportive and Epidermal Tissue). Plant Tissues (Conductor and Secretory Tissue). Plant organs (root). Plant Organ (shoot). Plant organs (leaf) – Physiology of photosynthesis. Plant organs (flower). Microorganisms and plant biology (Bacteria; Fungi ‐ Viruses). Plant Adaptations to the Environment. Water transport – transpiration. Plant Nutrition. Dangers and plants of the Mediterranean environment.

Course Outline

AS_ 202 Zoology

Course Content

The animal cell. Histology with emphasis on higher animals (tissue types and their role). The Animal Kingdom. Particular characteristics of animals. Morphology / symmetry, size and organization / complexity of animal organisms. Reproduction and life cycle. Elements of embryology and ontogenesis. Homeostasis and growth of animal organisms. Ethology and ways of living and adapting to the environment. Classification of animals. Elements of evolutionary / phylogeny, systematic and zoogeography.

Course Outline

AS_ 203 Physics

Course Content

Units, natural quantities and vectors. Linear motion. Moving in two or three dimensions. Newton’s Laws. Applications of Newton’s laws. Work and kinetic energy. Dynamic energy and energy conservation. Momentum, impulse and impact. Rotary motion of solid bodies. Rotational Motion Dynamics. Balance and elasticity. Gravity. Periodic movement. Fluid Mechanics.

Course Outline

AS_ 204 Informatics

Course Content

Introduction. Historical Overview. Personal Computer Architecture. Data and information. Central Processing Unit (CPU). Arithmetic and Logical Unit. Control Unit. Registers. Main memory. Auxiliary memory. Cache memory. Virtual memory. Memory capacity.  Memory units.  Input output devices.  Hard disks. SSD. Optical discs. Computer networking devices. Hub. Switching Hub.  Router. Methods of computer networking. Numeral systems. Binary, octal, hexadecimal numeral systems. Computer representation of numbers and computer arithmetic. Addition, subtraction, 1’s complement, 2’s complement. Multiplication and division. Operating Systems. The Windows operating system. Internet. Internet based services. Electronic mail.  Browsers. Internet Explorer. Google Chrome. Mozila Firefox.  Word processing. MS Word. Spreadsheets. Excel. Representations. PowerPoint. Data analysis systems.

Course Outline