For the renewal and adaptation of the UP/EC to new scientific fields, to the changes that occur in the modern labor market and to modern educational methods and approaches, the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture will ask on an annual basis the opinion of graduates, related scientific organizations, chambers and employers active in relevant sectors, regarding the degree of achievement of learning outcomes.
More specific, the Internal Evaluation Group (OMEA in Greeks) of the Department will collect through contact with graduates of the Department (social networks, telephone contact, questionnaires,…) useful information about the adequacy of knowledge and skills acquired during their studies at the Department.
The review process will fully respect the existing provisions so that all students (active and past) have unhindered access to the degree of the Department.Education Curriculum design will be supported by the following committees:
(a) Undergraduate Program Committee.
It will consist of faculty members, Professors, Technicians and Administrative Staff of the Department and will have the role of proposing to the Assembly of the Department improvements in the undergraduate program and study guide, the preparation of the certification of the UP/EC, the study of the effectiveness of the UP/EC, and the development of the lectures schedule and examination schedule.
(b) Internal Evaluation Group.
It will consist of faculty Professors and uses various sources such as:
- the external evaluation reports of the Department as well as other related Departments of Greece and abroad,
- the annual internal evaluation reports of the Department,
- technical reports and studies of scientific bodies on the developments and new research trends in the Science of Fisheries and Aquaculture.
• technical reports and studies of employers regarding the employment of graduates of Animal Production Departments in Greece and abroad with special reference to the Fisheries and Aquaculture sectors.All this information will be studied extensively by the Undergraduate Program Committee and the OMEA of the Department with the unique purpose of updating the UP/EC and adapting it to the new conditions prevailing in the labor market and in the scientific community of the subject of Fisheries and Aquaculture.