Dimitrios K. Moutopoulos, Professor
Fish and fishery resources
Phone: +30 26310 58422
Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6507317714
Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=mRPu400AAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
Selected publications
MoutopoulosK., Prodromitis G., Katselis G., Koutsikopoulos C., 2019. Effectiveness of Fisheries-Restricted Marine Areas. Aquaculture and Fisheries.
MoutopoulosK., Tsagarakis, K., Machias, A., 2018. Assessing ecological and fisheries implications of the EU landing obligation in Eastern Mediterranean. Journal of Sea Research, 141: 99-111.
MoutopoulosK., Stoumboudi, M.Th., Ramfos, A., Tsagarakis, K., Gritzalis, K.C., Petriki, O., Patsia, A., Barbieri, R., Machias, A., Stergiou, K.I., Bobori, D.C., 2018. Food web modelling on structure and functioning of a Mediterranean lentic system. Hydrobiologia, 822(1), 259-283.
Giovos, I. Keramidas, I., Deidun, A., Font, T., Kleitou, P., Lloret, J., Matić-Skoko, S., Said, A., Tiralongo, F., Moutopoulos, D.Κ., 2018. Identifying Recreational fisheries in the Mediterranean through Social Media. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 25(4): 287-295.
Cashion, T., Al-Abdulrazzak, D., Belhabib, D., Derrick, B., Divovich, E., Moutopoulos, D.K., Noël, S.L., Palomares, M.L.D., Teh, L., Zeller, D., Pauly, D., 2018. Global use of marine fishing gears from 1950 to 2014: Catches and landed values by gear type and sector. Fisheries Research, 206: 57-64.