Course Rules

The courses are of two types: Compulsory and Elective. Compulsory is common to all students. The elective courses appear in the curriculum from the 8th semester to the 10th and are in two groups depending on the number of credits (CU) they have (3 or 5). In each semester, where there is a choice, the student selects from the specific group of courses the necessary number so that the total number of credits is equal to 30. Thus in semester 8 the student chooses 1 course with 5 credits, in semester 9, 1 of 5 CU and 4 of 3 CU and in the semester 10, 1 of 3 CU and 2 of 5 CU. Courses are successfully completed when the grade resulting from the examination process is greater than or equal to 5.

The Thesis is a compulsory course and is distributed in the 9th and 10th Semester and appears as a total of 4 courses. Upon successful completion and evaluation by the three-member examination committee appointed by the Department, the degree of the Thesis is registered in all 4 semester courses. Students can register for the Thesis if they have successfully completed the examination of courses (Compulsory and Elective) with a total number of CU 180.

The Internship is an elective course and can be selected in the 9th or 10th semester following a specific procedure defined by the Department, notified to students in a timely and formal manner and refers to the number of available positions, the administrative framework and the evaluation and selection process

Course statements are made at the beginning of each semester. In each semester the student can register for the courses of the specific semester with a total of 30 CU and courses from previous respective semesters, winter or spring, with a maximum number of 30 CU.

In details:

1st semester students

From the 1st semester, students can register

Compulsory Courses of the 1st semester:                          30 CU


2nd semester students

From the 2nd semester students can register

Compulsory Courses of the 2nd semester:                30 CU


3rd semester students

From the 3rd semester students can register

Compulsory Courses of the 3rd semester:                   30 CU

Compulsory Courses of the 1st semester:                   30 CU


4th semester students

From the 4th semester students can register

Compulsory Courses of the 4th semester:                     30 CU

Compulsory Courses of the 2nd semester:                     30 CU


5th semester students

From the 5th semester students can register

Compulsory Courses of the 5th semester:                      30 CU

Compulsory Courses 1st and 3rd semester:                   30 CU


6th semester students

From the 6th semester students can register

Compulsory Courses of the 6th semester:                      30 CU

Compulsory Courses of the 2nd and 4th semester:       30 CU


7th semester students

From the 7th semester students can register

Compulsory Courses of the 7th semester:                     30 CU

Compulsory Courses 1st, 3rd, 5th semester:                 30 CU


8th semester students

From the 8th semester students can register

Compulsory Courses of the 8th semester:                      25 CU

1 Elective Course of 5 PM                                                    5 CU

Compulsory Courses 2nd, 4th, 6th semester:                   30 CU


9th semester students

From the 9th semester students can register

Experimental Thesis 9th semester 1 & 2:                          13 CU

1 Elective Course of 5 CU  outside of AS_5008            5 CU

4 Elective Courses of 3 CU                                                   12 CU

Compulsory Courses 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th semester             30 CU


10th semester students

From the 10th semester students can register

Experimental Thesis 10th semester 3 & 4:                         17 CU

1 Elective Course of 3 CU                                                        3 CU

2 Elective Courses of 5 CU                                                    10 PM

Compulsory Courses 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th semester

and 8th semester Elective courses:                                    30 CU