Photo George Katselis

George Katselis, Professor  Icon Flag Greece

Lagoon systems, Fishery resources management, Aquaculture (development-nutrition-management), Protected areas.

CV: George Katselis CV

Phone: +30 26310 58237


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Selected publications

  1. Dimitriou, E., Katselis, G., Moutopoulos, D., Akovitiotis , C. Koutsikopoulos (2007). Possible influence of reared gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata, L.) on wild stocks in the area of the Messolonghi lagoon (Ionian Sea, Greece). Aquaculture Research, 38:398-408
  2. Katselis G., Koukou K., Moutopoulos D. (2010). Yield per recruit and spawning stock biomass models for the management of four Mugilidae species in Mesolonghi –Aitoliko lagoon (W. Greece). Int Aquat Res  2: 155-162
  3. Katselis G. Dimitrios K. Moutopoulos, Evagelos N. Dimitriou, C. Koutsikopoulos (2013). Long-term changes of fisheries landings in enclosed gulf lagoons (Amvrakikos gulf, W Greece): Influences of fishing and other human impacts. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 131: 31-40
  4. Katselis G., Koukou K., Ramfos A., Moutopoulos D.K. (2015) Sex-specific daily spawning seaward migration of striped mullet (Mugil cephalus) in a coastal lagoon. Journal of fish biology 87,274-285
  5. Mancinelli, P. Chainho, L.a Cilenti, S. Falco, K. Kapiris, G. Katselis, F. Ribeiro, (2017). On the Atlantic blue crab (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun 1896) in southern European coastal waters: Time to turn a threat into a resource? Fisheries Research, 194,1-8.
  6. Theodorou, J.A., Leech, B.-S., Perdikaris, C., Hellio, C., Katselis, G. (2019). Performance of the cultured mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamark 1819) after summer post-harvest re-immersion. Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 19, (3):221-229,  DOI: 4194/1303-2712-v19_03_05/