Photo Semester 6

AS_ 600 Anosology-nosology-epidemiology

Course Content

Disease-Health-Well-being. State of disease and immunity. Principles of Nosology: pathophysiology; attack, damage and reaction/adaptation at local/general level. Immunology: definition and essentials. The vertebrate immune system; its importance and relation to the entire organism. Parts and functions of the immune system; immunity and immunization processes. Comparative and developmental immunology. Immunology of invertebrates. Immunodepression and auto-immune disease. Study, classification and kinds of diseases. Zoonoses. Principles of Epidemiology; morbidity and mortality. Ambient and innate influences (susceptibility, predisposition, exposal and impact). Disease ecology. Population determinations and assessments (prevalence, (cumulative) incidence, risk); diagnostic criteria, sampling and statistical estimations. Epidemiological models, studies and analyses. Principles of prevention: physiological condition, protection, disinfection and hygiene, natural individual and herd immunity. Immunoprophylaxis, (immunity mechanisms, immunoenhancers, vaccine development, selection and application, immune response assessment). Vaccination strategies, efficacy, consequences and benefits. Possible side-effects of vaccination.

Course Outline

AS_ 601 Genetic Breeding

Course Content

Introduction to Population Genetics. Concepts of population genetics – qualitative characters in the populations. Introduction to molecular methods (Molecular markers). Hardy- Weinberg Law. Violations of the Hardy-Weinberg Law and evolutionary forces acting in the direction of changing gene frequencies. Statistics on genetic improvement and population genetics (indexes). Genetic Improvement, quantitative characters, inheritance of quantitative characters. Heritability and methods of estimation. Principles of genetic selection. Breeding values, resemblance between relatives. Multiple character selection, genetic correlations. Spread of genetic gain. Inbreeding and cross systems (hybridization). New technologies (genomic, proteomic, QTL analysis, GWAS, chromosomal manipulations) and their application to genetic improvement.

Course Outline

AS_602 Fisheries resources & technology

Course Content

History and evolution of fisheries exploitation and technology. Fisheries resources and multi-species fisheries, target species. Fisheries fleet and multi-gear fisheries. Artisanal fisheries. Field survey for fishing early stages of fish. Lagoon fishery. Field survey in lagoon fishery. Dynamic fishing tools. Fishery in lentic systems. Socio-economic approach of fisheries. Fisheries data: Estimation and evaluation. Fisheries-marine megafauna interaction. Ecosystem-based approach of fisheries-fishing impacts on ecosystem.

Course Outline

AS_ 603 Quality systems, safety, marketing

Course Content

Historical Evolution of Quality Management Systems. Quality Cycle. Quality Management Projects. Legislation, CODEX ALIMENTARIUS. Development of a Food Safety and Hygiene Management Systems. ISO 22000 (HACCP). Risk Analysis & Crisis Management. Quality Management Systems ISO 9001: 2015. Total Quality Management (TQM). Quality Systems Inspection. Certifications-Accreditation of Quality Systems. Case study I (Farmed Fish). Case study II (Farmed Shellfish)

Course Outline

AS_ 604 Geographical Information Systems

Course Content

Introduction to sampling techniques. Simple random sampling. Randomized sampling. Types of error in hypothesis testing. Power of a test. Using power analysis to estimate appropriate sample size. Sampling design of field studies. Sampling design of socio-economic studies. Sampling of abiotic and biotic data. Sampling design of fisheries catches and fleet structure. Experimental design to hypothesis testing. Comparison of two or more population means. Introduction to analysis of variance. Design of Experiments with two or more Independent Variables. Multiple linear regression. Logistic regression. Analysis of scenaria in fisheries data.

Course Outline